Apple Tree Summer Trimming and Attention Problems

One, summer cutting method

The summer pruning of apple trees mainly includes opening angles, thinning branches, twisting tips, softening of branching branches, ring cutting and girdling, etc. The proper application of summer shearing measures is a prerequisite for high yield and quality of fruit trees. If used improperly, the growth and results of fruit trees will be affected.

1. Opening angles The main branches (main and side branches) with smaller angles are opened using the support, tension, and pressure methods, and are generally opened to 70-80. For other auxiliary branches and fruiting branches, they were opened to 70-120 in accordance with the requirements of the result area, so that the resulting parts were reasonably distributed on both sides of the backbone branches, up and down, left and right, and dislocated.

2. Thinning branches from June to September during the June-September period. Branches, legged branches, over-closed branches, and branches around the crowns, over-tight branches, and leg-length branches cut off from the base to reduce nutrient consumption, conserve nutrients, and improve ventilation and light transmission conditions. . The removal of strong Wang branches can weaken the growth of branches and branches, thinning and retreating perennial branches, and can adjust the distribution of branch-level space, help to concentrate nutrition and improve the quality of flower buds.

3, twist tip from the beginning of May, when the new shoot grows to about 20 centimeters, you can in its base about 5 centimeters about half lignification at the tip of the treatment, the method is: the left hand holding the base of the branches 5 cm, right hand light The upper tender tip is gently twisted 90-180 degrees downwards, causing the branches to sag and then fixed to the branches. Twisted shoots are generally used more on supplementary branches, which can impede the flow of nutrients and water, ease the tree potential, and promote the formation of flower buds. In general, the number of twisted shoots in a tree is controlled to 20-25.

4. Take branch softening for upright or perennial upright branches. Branch branches can be treated during soft summer branches. To do this, hold the back of the stick with one hand, and hold the front of the stick with the other hand. Slowly bend the stick downwards and move it gradually from the inside to the outside. When you take a branch with a large, angled backbone, you must cooperate with both hands. Do not use too much force to avoid breaking branches. Softening the branch has the effect of alleviating the branching potential and increasing the accumulation of nutrients, and has a significant effect on improving the germination rate of shoots in the coming year, promoting the formation of red and short branches, and promoting flowering.

5, circumcision that is the use of ring cutting scissors 5-6 cm at the base of the auxiliary nutrient cut 1 circle, deep to the xylem. If the tree grows vigorously and results in years or years without results, you can cut 2-3 times. It is required that the ring shear must be flat, cut vertically, and not obliquely cut, so as to avoid causing the wound to be too large and failing to heal and die. Practice has shown that ring-cutting in May-June is an effective technical measure to promote the formation of flower buds and early saplings.

6. The girdling and circumcision is a technically powerful "surgical operation". It is generally performed only on young trees, Wangshu trees and unproductive trees for many years, and on Wangwang branches that have been identified as temporary trees. The specific method is: using a knife at the base of the branches 5-10 cm smooth, cut the cortex 1-2 circles, deep to the xylem, two knife-edge spacing is 1/10 of the diameter of the cutting stick, generally the most wide 1 cm, the most narrow 0. 3 cm without damaging the xylem. After the circumcision, the wound should be immediately bandaged, and the healing condition should be checked frequently. It is forbidden to apply drugs. Taking girdling measures can effectively accumulate nutrients and promote flower bud formation.

Second, pay attention to the problem

1. Pay attention to the main role of the Summer Scissors in summer pruning is to promote flowering, so the main objects of Xiajian are young trees, Wang trees and Wang branches.

2. Master the summer shearing time. Summer shearing is performed during the growth period. The best is from May to August. Prematurely, is not conducive to tree growth; too late is not conducive to flower bud formation.

3, control the amount of summer shear summer cut because of the apple growth season, both the consumption of nutrients and the production of nutrients during the vigorous period, but also the most prominent contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, so the amount of pruning should not be too large, so as not to overweight Too many branches weaken the tree or create a bar.

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