When should various fruit trees be grafted

The suitable time for pear grafting is from late March to early mid-April, and bud grafting is from late July to early mid-September. The buds grafted before mid-June can germinate in the same year, but those grafted after August will not germinate. Grafti-----

Summer peppers also have sunscreen

As summer comes, the UV index rises, and people who love beauty have already started to sunscreen, so that they are not sunburned, sunburned, and we can work hard to protect them. Let's take a look at the sunburned peppers. Chicory is a physiological-----

Key Points of Onion Planting in Open Field

One, sowing seedlings 1 seed selection The varieties are mainly selected for high-quality, high-yield, strong stress resistance, strong adaptability, good commercial properties, and insensitive response to long-day sunlight. The Jiangsu area mainly adop-----