Autumn sowing double garlic film covering cultivation technique

The autumn sowing of garlic with a double-layered plastic film covering cultivation technique has the effect of increasing the yield and improving the market, and can increase the profit by about 20% compared with the single film coverage. Here are some relevant points for cultivation.

First, choose a good variety

Select white varieties with high yield and disease resistance. Such as Guan County, Shandong garlic, this is a good local garlic varieties in Shandong Province, is also an important export species, each garlic has 7-8 petals, skin with a little purple, thin skin, garlic hypertrophy, spicy, quality Well, it belongs to a species. Strong growth, strong cold resistance, high convulsions, good resistance to storage, suitable for autumn planting.

Second, the appropriate sowing

Garlic must be properly sown, too early, low emergence rate, and prone to flap cloves; too late, short pre-winter growth period, seedlings are too small, susceptible to frost damage, and affect the garlic yield and quality. In order to ensure that the number of leaves of the garlic before the winter reaches 4-5 leaves, it is generally suitable for the sowing period from mid-September to the beginning of October in the south-central region of our province.

Three, soil fertigation

Garlic has a wide adaptability to soil, and sandy soil and loam soil can be planted. However, it is better to use organic acid rich, deep soil, and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil. Planting garlic on this kind of soil has a well-developed root system, returns to early morning, twitches early, and has a large garlic head. It also has a strong spicy taste and is easy to grow garlic. Fine soil preparation and application of organic fertilizers are of great significance for increasing garlic yield and improving quality. The land on which garlic is grown needs deep turning to improve the permeability of the soil, which is conducive to the activity of soil microorganisms and the transformation of soil nutrients, and is conducive to the development of roots and bulb hypertrophy. The depth of cultivation of garlic is generally 20-30 cm. After harvesting, crops should be ploughed and ridged as soon as possible to activate the soil. Apply base fertilizer, due to the cover film, during the growth of garlic should not be topdressing, therefore, before sowing should be combined with a one-time application of the base fertilizer, Mushi quality farm fertilizer 5000 kg, 80 kg cake, urea 50 kg, phosphate 80 kg, sulfuric acid Potassium compound fertilizer 25 kg, zinc sulfate 1.5 kg.

Fourth, seed film

Choose garlic heads that are big, garlic is large and neat, garlic is hard, and the color is white and fresh. General requirements of garlic 100 grams of the weight of more than 400 grams, the local temperature stability at 18 °C -19 °C can be sown, so that the temperature of up to 25 cm over the winter garlic, is conducive to safe winter. Planting requires spacing of 15 centimeters, plant spacing at 6-8 centimeters, ditching depth of 10 centimeters, planting the species in the ditch, and keeping it upright, generally 40,000 plants per acre are suitable for the plot. Otherwise, the density is too large, the garlic will become smaller, affecting the commercial nature, and then cover the soil with a double membrane. When the film is covered, it is required that the film be flat on the surface without wrinkling, and there is no space below the film, so that the film is tightly pressed against the surface of the surface to prevent weeds from growing. When the garlic emerged more than 50%, the membrane was ruptured. The membrane was punched with a sharp wire and the diameter of the orifice was controlled at about 1 cm.

V. Field Management

Immediately after sowing, water should be poured one time, and after the seedlings are poured out, the water is poured for a second time, and the antifreeze water is poured 1 time before the soil is frozen. Cover straw or corn stalk several days later to prevent cold and drought and ensure safe wintering of garlic sprouts. Before and after the “Spring Equinox”, the ground cover shall be cleared and water shall be selected in sunny and warm weather to promote the growth of garlic sprouts as early as possible. From the beginning of April to the end of April, according to the waterlogging condition, 5 to 7 days will be used for watering 1 time, and the water will be topdressed 2-3 times, generally ammonium sulfate or urea will be 10-15 kg per mu, and watering will be stopped 3-4 days before picking. After harvesting garlic bulbs should always keep the soil moist and promote the rapid growth of garlic until 2-3 days before harvest, stop watering.

6. Pest control

When the garlic grows to 2 leaves and 1 heart, it is necessary to timely control pests such as garlic thrips and garlic flies, and high-efficiency and low-toxicity pesticides such as beta-cypermethrin can be selected. In mid-March, attention was paid to the prevention and treatment of garlic sprouts and garlic sprouts. The control of garlic leaf blight, sprayed with 50% polymyxin or 65% triamcinolone 1000 times solution.

Seven, timely harvest

In the central and southern regions of our province, single-layered plastic film is generally harvested in mid-May. The garlic cultivated with double mulching film can be harvested 7-10 days in advance, that is, it can be harvested at the end of April and the beginning of May. At this time, most of the leaves of the plants have dried up and the pseudo stems become soft, and the time for advance harvesting is listed, because the market There are fewer fresh garlic on the market and the price is relatively expensive. Grab a favorable opportunity to get a higher income in time.

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