Autumn celery management points

First, colonization

Autumn celery is planted in early September. When the seedlings grow to 5 to 6 true leaves and the seedling height is above 10 cm, they can be planted. Before planting, remove the shading nets for hardening seedlings and pour water once, then raise the seedlings with soil. 3000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and sufficient amount of lime should be applied per acre to prevent and control underground pests. The land should be turned slightly and made into small stilts 1.2 to 1.5 meters wide and 10 to 15 centimeters high. Due to the rainy season during the seedling stage, ditches should be dug early and drainage should be observed. Plants can be planted with single plants or two plants with a spacing of 10 cm and a row spacing of 20 cm. When planting, strong seedlings with the same growth potential should be planted in the same plant for easy management. Planting large seedlings first and planting seedlings later. Requirements with the take seedlings, with the planting, with watering, seedlings should not be planted too deep, the soil buried to the roots is appropriate. After 3 to 5 days after planting, the growth can be resumed, and the ground is slightly dry, that is, cultivating loose soil.

Second, field management

In the early stage of plant growth, appropriate watering, keep the soil dry and wet, and pour water every 5 days or so. Combined with watering, topdressing once urea, 10 kg per mu. Plant leaf vigorous growth, appropriate watering, keep the soil moist, pouring water once every 5 days. In mid-growth, more water is needed and more watering should be done every 3 days to promote growth. In combination with watering, the compound fertilizer is chased once every 15 days, each time 20 kg per mu, for a total of 2 times. During the growth period, the old leaves and lateral branches and leaves need to be removed in time to facilitate ventilation. During the middle and late stages of plant growth, 0.3% to 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate may be sprayed on the leaves to increase the quality of celery.

Third, timely harvest

Before the advent of the frost, it will be marketed. Each plant can weigh more than 1 kilogram and produce 3,000 kilograms per mu. After harvesting, it can be used for prosthetic storage, cold storage, and modified atmosphere storage.

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