Broiler Feeding Technology Overview

Features: broilers grow fast, short cycle, 7-8 weeks can be slaughtered, 50 days weight up to 2.5 kg, chickens can be raised within 2 weeks of age per square meter of about 30 chickens, 8 weeks old chicken about 8, It can raise more than 5 batches in a year, and the cycle is short and the benefit is big. Breeding methods: I. Ground level raising: simple equipment, low cost. Sawdust or straw, the thickness of bedding is about 10 cm. 2. Plastic net flat raising: The plastic net is flexible, with holes, and the feces fall into the bottom of the net. Chickens are not easy to get sick (provincial medicine, chicken droppings can be fed to pigs). III. Preparation before the chicken goes into the house: All in the house Equipment, utensils, and keepers’ clothing, shoes, and caps must be thoroughly sanitized and sprayed with drugs. The poultry house should be fumigated with formaldehyde, with 3.5 grams of solid formaldehyde per square meter of space, and the fire in the brooding room should be burned with heat and moisture at 70%. After the room temperature reaches 20 degrees or more, pour the formaldehyde into the iron container and place it on the fire (note: put the tools, equipment, clothes, etc. into the house, and the doors and windows are closed. The person will immediately exit and open after 12 hours. Doors and windows, ventilation and ventilation). Disinfection tanks are set at the entrance of the doors. Changing clothes should be changed every time you enter the house. After the disinfectant is applied to the house, quick lime is sprinkled on the aisle where the breeder walks. IV. Preparation for hatching: 2 days before hatching Do a preheating job in the house to check whether the standard temperature can be achieved, prepare chicken stocks, plastic cloths, a large waterer chassis (for chicks feeding), a small water dispenser, (sauerkraut is covered with soft grass to prevent chickens from eating mats Material, can be removed after one week), drugs, etc. V. Chickens feeding: 1. Temperature: 1-3 days old 33C-34C, 4-7 days old 31C-32C, with Decrease by 2-3C every week, decrease by 0.5C every day, keep it constant at 21C-23C in the fourth week, observe the behavior of chickens meticulously 1-2 weeks, ensure the temperature is suitable, distribute chickens evenly, feed intake activities And sleep is normal, the temperature is too low, the birds are crowded, close to the heat source; the temperature is too high, the chicken mouth to breathe, away from heat; the temperature is high and low, affecting the chicken growth rate, survival rate and meat ratio. 2. Drinking water: 1-7 days of age to drink clean warm water, such as the distance can be added 5% sugar water or glucose water (only one time). After the chicken feed, immediately to the water, drink at least 1 hour of water before eating After 7 days, you can drink the same water as room temperature. For every 50 chickens, there is a small drinking fountain and every 100 large chickens has a large drinking fountain. 3. Feeding: Chickens and young children drink 2 hours after the water starts to feed, 1-3 Feed the screened full-price material at age, ensure that the particle size is about 1-2mm, add the material every 2 hours, 1g per 1 day old chicken, 2g 2 days old, 3 days old can eat freely, Each 50 uses a barrel. The first three days of the material plus 2% yeast powder (humic acid sodium) to help digestion. 4. Light: 24 hours a day light, night light fill light, 2 days after the start of 23 hours Light, 1 hour dark (lights 1 hour late in darkness) to prevent accidental power outages, chickens get together and cause losses, lights 2 meters high, lights 3 meters away, install a 60W bulb per 10 square meters, change after 2 weeks 25W bulb. 5. Medication: 1-7 days old anti-white peony: norfloxacin, furazolidone; VAD3 powder, VB1, VB2; sodium selenite VE fluid (drink once per week). (such as oxytetracycline), coccidiosis, chronic respiratory disease drugs (such as okusin, strong bacteria) (Star, etc.). Week 3: Anti-cholera (plus oxamethoxine or Pomide). 6. Immunization: 7 days old for Newcastle vaccine first, (500 heads/bottle) with distilled water (or cold water) 30 ml Dilution, eye-catching every bird, preferably at night, 14 days of age, immunization with Bursa vaccine or drinking water, 21 days old Newcastle disease vaccine, L. vaccine, immunization, 28-day-age bursal vaccine, drinking immunity Immunity to drinking water requires 2-4 hours of water-cutting. The amount of water per bird is 15-25 ml (according to the size of the chicken's age, changes in temperature will increase or decrease the amount of water, plus 5% of fat-free cooked milk or skimmed milk powder) within 2 hours. After drinking, ensure that each chicken drink the same amount of vaccine at the same time, do not use disinfectant to clean utensils or equipment before and after drinking. 7. Ventilation: In the case of ensuring the temperature, try to ventilate and ventilate. Ventilation is to discharge the chicken house. The harmful gases such as ammonia and carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide are exchanged for fresh air. The ventilation volume gradually increases as the age increases, and it is not boring and ammonia pungent when entering the house. When air is blown, the cool air is prevented from blowing directly into the flock. Causes a cold, can make the cold air flow into the room slowly through the windshield barrier, guards against the church wind and the thief wind. 8. raises: 1 --- 21 days old feeds the chicken material, 2 Feed the medium-sized chicken at the age of 2-42 days, feed the big chicken feed 7 days before the slaughter, freely drink water throughout the period, limit the feeding at 1- 2 days, and feed freely at other ages. Normal chickens do not pile, do not stand still, feed intake rises linearly, if the intake of drinking water decreases or does not increase, to find out the reasons in a timely manner, daily check chicken excrement, with or without abnormalities, such as blood, green Or gray faeces, need to further identify the causes and take measures. If dead chickens are delivered in time, conditional necropsy can be carried out and preliminary conclusions can be made. Dead chickens should be burned or buried as soon as possible. The ground is turned once a day in the house to ensure that the ground is soft and non-stiffened. Cleared in time. 9.Sale: All feed and all-feed systems are adopted. When the chickens are sold out, all chicken excrement will be removed immediately. All utensils inside and outside the house and all utensils must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The brooding room was fumigated with formalin and then left empty for 1-2 weeks before being re-prepared.

ordinary ordinary ordinary Price of about 300 or so, the hot air gun is mainly temperature instability, high and low, air volume and instability. The scale of the air pressure gun just adjust the size of its power, so the temperature of raw slowly when the phone is switched on, for several minutes, and then temperature soared, a little attention will burn out. Such as amplifiers, CPU, circuit boards, etc. It also has a temperature detection, it seems only to high temperature protection, adjust the temperature and unreal. Suggest you not to save money, and often compensate machine. standard standard standard About after the price, this kind of heat gun calibration is used to adjust the temperature of the real, warming faster when the phone is switched on, a few seconds can be reached, and the temperature will not increase, in close range adjustment, air volume is more stable, applicable repair mobile phone, I use the air pressure gun is very good, such as: 3508 CPU won't burn out in more than 90%. Digital temperature display type The basic performance with those of the second

Heat Gun

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